Associate Professor JUDr. Jan Kolouch, Ph.D., has been actively involved in the CESNET association for an extended period and concurrently lectures at several universities, where he is responsible for courses focusing on cybercrime and cybersecurity. He collaborates on various initiatives with organizations such as CZ.NIC and security teams CERT/CSIRT. His primary area of expertise lies in the applicability of law and liability for unlawful conduct in cyberspace. He is the author of the books CyberCrime and CyberSecurity ( and contributes to various projects and training programs in cybersecurity, cybercrime prevention, and user protection.
Robert Králíček, Member, Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
Lukáš Kintr, Director, National Office for Cyber and Information Security
Juraj Šedivý, General Director, CETIN Group
Jan Kolouch, Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Expert, Academic Lecturer
Justin Svoboda