Digital Czech Republic 2025: Shaping the Future
The 10th anniversary international conference brings answers to how the Czech Republic can harness the potential of digital transformation. Artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and modern technologies are not just tools - they are the basis for competitiveness and innovation that will propel the Czech Republic into the technological leadership. In 2025, Prague will become the place where politicians, businessmen and visionaries will join forces and set the course for the digital future. Don't miss the opportunity to be there when new ideas and partnerships are born.
The Digital Czech Republic starts now.
Selected lectures from the program of the conference Digital Czech Republic 2025
Karel Havlíček, Deputy Speaker, Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
Richard Yonck, International Speaker and Bestselling Author Focused on Emerging Trends and Technologies (USA)
Karel Havlíček, Vice-Chairman, Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
František Štrupl, Director for the Czech Republic, Google
Jan Kavalírek, Deputy Member of Government, Ministry of Industry and Trade
Tomáš Čupr, Czech Entrepreneur and Investor, Founder of Slevomat, DámeJí and Rohlí
Michala Hergetová
Katarina Wallin Bureau, General Manager for Strategic Relations, Microsoft (Sweden)
Martina Tauberová, Head of External Relations, LPP Holding
Michala Hergetová
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