Richard Yonck is an international keynote speaker, global futurist and best-selling author who journeys with audiences into the future to explore the potential impacts of emerging trends and technologies on business, industry and society. With a background in strategic foresight, computer science and media, he’s advised businesses and organizations about emerging trends and developments for three decades. His clients include global Fortune 500 companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, Samsung, and Xerox, industry associations and organizations including TIAA, American Cancer Society, and government and NGOs that include UNDP, NATO and boards of education. As an international keynote speaker, Richard explores emerging technologies including artificial intelligence, healthcare, innovation, biotechnology and genetics, transportation, robotics, and more. Richard guides audiences in understanding many of the key considerations and societal ramifications of these advances to help identify and work toward a preferred future. Richard is an avid writer and thought leader whose latest book, Future Minds explores the nature and future of human and artificial intelligence. His previous book, Heart of the Machine studies the future of the emerging technologies that allow computers and robots to read, interpret, and influence human emotions. Now in its second edition, it is translated into multiple languages and is required reading at numerous university courses around the world. Richard covers emerging technologies for the technology news website GeekWire and has been published by and quoted in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Scientific American, Forbes, Wired, Fast Company, BBC News and many others. Richard is a member of the Association of Professional Futurists, the National Association of Science Writers and a TED speaker. He believes that strategic foresight and future planning can serve everyone and is an impassioned advocate about the many benefits of future thinking and science literacy.
Karel Havlíček, Deputy Speaker, Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
Richard Yonck, International Speaker and Bestselling Author Focused on Emerging Trends and Technologies (USA)
Marek Novák, Member, Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
Violeta Luca, CEO, Vodafone Czech Republic (Romania)
Richard Yonck, International Speaker and Bestselling Author Focusing on New Trends and Technologies (USA)
Petr Mlsna, Chairman, Office for the Protection of Competition
Michala Hergetová